Date: Fri, 4 Mar 94 20:40:36 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #240 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Fri, 4 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 240 Today's Topics: (none) Amateur Radio: Elmers List Quick-Search Index ARLP008 Propagation de KT7H ARLS011 Anniversary for AMSAT Callsign server info Ramsey DF-1 Kit Status of Online Repeater Directory Project.... Used HF help Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 4 Mar 94 21:42:00 GMT From: Subject: (none) To: subscribe / ------------------------------ Date: 1 Mar 94 12:08:34 GMT From: nprdc!!swrinde!gatech!!!! Subject: Amateur Radio: Elmers List Quick-Search Index To: Posted-By: auto-faq Archive-name: radio/ham-radio/elmers/index Quick Search Index by Subject: (Note: This index is not necessarily all-inclusive and some Elmers are listed more than once.) AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE MAILING LISTS (ARES)/RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE (RACES) Botterell (Networks in Emergency Mangement) Botterell (Networks in Emergency Engehausen, et al (AA4RE Packet Management Mailing List) BBS) Chilton (EMA Radio Officer) Dodell (Land-Mobile Radio, Engehausen (RACES Bulletins) MARS Members) Fyodorov (Russia) Freeman, M (ACC Equipment) Humphries (ex-Asst. EC) Hurder (ARRL Field Organization) Hurder (ARRL Field Services) Kluft ( Magid Working Group) Stader (EMAS SEC) Knapp, et al (Iowa State Elmers) Wilson Prescott (Antique and Older Tube Equipment) AMATEUR TELEPRINTER OVER RADIO Meredith (PBBS Bulletin Forwarding, (AMTOR)/PACKET TELEPRINTER OVER F6FBB Packet BBS) RADIO (PACTOR)/RADIO TELETYPE (RTTY) Nerenberg (DX) Schleck, et al (College Clubs) Battles Walker, et al (QRP) Doane Feeney (PACTOR) MILITARY AFFILIATE RADIO SYSTEM Freeman, J (AMTOR and PACTOR) (MARS) Graham, P Richards Doane (Navy) Sayer (also decoding CHU's Dodell (Air Force, Mailing List) ASCII time code) Miller (Air Force) Monson (Army) AMERICA ON-LINE Sargent (Army) Taylor (Air Force) Stader (Host, Welch, J (Navy/Marine Corps) Ham Radio Club forum) Welch, V (Navy/Marine Corps, list of MARS members on the AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE Internet, tentative BBS (ARRL) conference) Battles (QST Features Editor) MICROWAVE Bloom (ARRL HQ Postmaster, QEX Editor) Graham, P (1.2 Ghz repeaters) Doane (CT SM) Hammill Elmore (CO TC) Jahnke (SSB/CW SHF Contesting) Hare (Laboratory Manager) Lau (Transverters up to Hurder (Field Services Deputy 24 Ghz) Manager) Sargent (3, 5, and 10 Ghz) Jahnke (VEC Manager) Lau (Technical Editor) MOBILE Redding (Educational Advisor) Stader (EMAS SEC) Carruth (FM and HT's) Turner (Volunteer Counsel) Hare (RFI issues) Wilson (SCV SM) Humphries Keller (HF) ANTENNAS Salmon (Maritime) Sargent Brewer (wire HF) Salyzyn (HF CW) Billson (HF) Brubaker (HF) NATIONAL TRAFFIC SYSTEM (NTS) DePolo (including VHF/UHF) Elmore Doane Freeman, J (wire HF and 160m) Elmore Graham, J (wire HF for Hurder (ARRL Field Services) apartments) Salyzyn (Canada) Halbert (simple designs) Sargent Humphries (VHF and multi-band Zurn (Europe) wire arrays) Myers (and transmission NOVICE/TECH INSTRUCTION lines) Ornitz (including computer Billson modelling) Bono (AutoExam/AutoCW) Potter Carlson (Macintosh Hamstacks) Rymell Chilton Salnick Knapp, et al Salyzyn Larson Standerfer Magid Stine (wire HF) Maia Stockton Myers (including basic Taylor electronics and communications Zurn (wire HF) theory) Redding ANTIQUE AND OLDER EQUIPMENT Reeves Salmon Brewer (40's-70's) Stader Keys (including HF and CW) Prescott (Mailing List) PACKET Moore, T (VHF) Standerfer Angus (TCP/IP, NOS, UUPC, Turner (including Kenwood and Tnet, and SNEWS, IP Ten-Tec) Coordinator for CA - LA and SF Valley subnet) APPLE MACINTOSH COMPUTER Battles (AX.25 and TCP/IP) Bloom (IP Coordinator for Braun Connecticut subnet) Carlson (Macintosh Hamstacks) Braun (TCP/IP, Macintosh, IP Ehrlich (FTP archive) Coordinator for WNY subnet) Stader (List of Macintosh Cole (TCP/IP and NOS) Amateur Radio Software) Dodell (IP Coordinator for Van Peursem (Savant) Arizona subnet) Elmore (including TCP/IP) BATTERIES Engehausen, et al (AA4RE Packet BBS and Mailing List) Hammill (Sealed Lead-Acid) Freeman, J (KAM, TCP/IP, NOS for Meyers DOS and OS/2) Stuart (including Ni-Cads) Fyodorov (AX.25 and TCP/IP in Russia) CALLSIGN PROJECT/NATIONAL TECHNICAL Graham, J (KAMterm) INFORMATION SERVICE (NTIS) Graham, P (VHF) Knapp, et al Carruth Meredith (AZ Packet Coordinator, Lloyd (including QRZ Ham-Radio PBBS Bulletin Forwarding Mailing CD-ROM) List, F6FBB Packet BBS Mailing List) CIVIL AIR PATROL (CAP) Salyzyn (Canadian) Sargent Carlson Sayer (VHF) Moore, J Schallehn (Kantronics) Stader (TCP/IP and Macintosh) COLLEGE CLUBS Vail (TCP/IP, TAPR/9600, IP Coordinator for East/Central Edwards Massachusetts subnet) Knapp, et al Van Peursem (Savant and Schallehn Macintosh) Schleck (et al, Mailing List) MEDIA (PUBLICATION/WRITING/ COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT BROADCATING) Dodell (Mailing List) Battles (QST) Richards Bloom (QEX) Lau (QST/QEX) CW (MORSE CODE) Moore (Co-Host, Ham Radio and More) Bono (AutoCW) PART-15 BROADCASTING Elmore Fyodorov (including Cyrillic) Ornitz Keys Rosenfeld POWER SUPPLIES Salyzyn Squicciarini Myers Stine Stuart Stockton Tescher (Computer Programs) PRODUCT INFO/FEEDBACK Zurn (including European abbreviations) Appell (Alinco and Yaesu) Freeman, M and Shirley (Advanced DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (DSP) Computer Controls - ACC) Bloom QRP (LOW POWER) Edwards Billson EQUIPMENT TESTING/TROUBLESHOOTING Halbert (HF) Sargent (VHF) Billson Stockton Brewer (Tube Gear) Turner (including Ten-Tec Freeman, J (PC ISA Bus) Argonaut) Hare (ARRL Laboratory Manager) Walker, et al (Mailing List) Myers Zurn Ornitz (Instrumentation) Rymell (Electronics and Computer RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE (RFI) Service Work) Salnick Elmore Salyzyn Graham, P (including PC's) Standerfer Hare (including Automotive) Stockton Myers Taylor Stockton Tescher Witte Witte (Instrumentation) RECIPROCAL LICENSING/FOREIGN OPERATION FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ's) Andrews (New Zealand) Bloom (ARRL E-mail and Info Server) Flaherty (South Pacific) Cheeseman (Australia) Fyodorov (Russia) Jahnke (VE Exams Scheduled) Levine (Australia and Japan) Kluft (General) Salmon Salyzyn (Radio Amateurs on Usenet, Salyzyn (Canada) Moderator) Stockton (UK) Stader (Macintosh Amateur Radio Zurn (Italy and Germany) Software) Watt (Packet and Digital Modes) REPEATERS Woods (Mail Order Electronics) Battles HANDICAPPED OPERATING Chilton De Armond Billson DePolo (VHF/UHF) Doane Graham, P (including 1.2 Ghz) Hurder Keller (220 Mhz) Knapp, et al Knapp, et al Schallehn (VHF/UHF) HIGH FREQUENCY (HF)/ Witte CONTESTING/DX SATELLITES Battles Brubaker Bass (including low-cost, QRP Chilton Microsat stations) Elmore Feeney Fyodorov Flaherty (including OSCAR) Knapp, et al Nerenberg (DX Mailing List) SEMINARS/LECTURES Rosenfeld (including practical QSLing tips) Humphries Salmon (including DXpeditions) Redding Salnick Stuart (Batteries and Power Squicciarini Supplies) Tidd (DXCC Databases) Zurn TANDY COLOR COMPUTER AND OS-9 HOMEBREWING/DO-IT-YOURSELF Billson Billson (6809 uP) TELEVISION, FAST-SCAN (ATV) Bloom (including DSP) Carruth (Digital Design, Chilton Software) Feeney Chilton Hammill De Armond DePolo (including VHF/UHF TELEVISION, SLOW-SCAN (SSTV) design and construction) Edwards (including DSP) Langner Fyodorov (including computers) Halbert (QRP) UNIX Keys (Junk Box projects) Kohnen (Tubes) Carruth (System Administration) Lau (Transverters, VHF/UHF, Cole (including Linux) Filters, repeatable projects) Ehrlich Myers (Transmission Lines, Freeman, J Analog and Digital Design) Sayer (especially SunOS) Moore, T (Junk Box projects) Tescher Rymell (Electronics and Computers, Van Peursem (HP-UX and System Low-Cost projects) Administration) Salyzyn Stine (Tube Amplifiers, VERY HIGH FREQUENCY (VHF)/ Receivers, and Exciters) ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY (UHF) Stockton (including QRP) Stuart (Batteries and Power Battles Supplies) Carpenter (6 meters) Taylor (Tubes and Amplifiers) DePolo (Weak Signal, Contesting, Tescher and Repeaters) Flaherty (including Amplifiers) IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC) AND Graham, P (Commercial Rig CLONES Conversions) Hammill (including ATV and DX) Angus Humphries (2m FM) Bono (AutoExam, et al) Jahnke (CW/SSB Contesting and Braun Weak Signal) Cole Lau (CW/SSB to 222 Mhz) Ehrlich Moore, T Freeman, J (including OS/2 and Richards (Monitoring) ISA bus) Sargent (2 and 6 meter AM and Fyodorov Contesting) Keller Witte (including Portable Tescher and Mountaintopping) INTERNET SERVICES VOLUNTEER EXAMINER (VE) PROGRAM Schleck Billson Carlson (W5YI) MAIL-SERVERS/ARCHIVES DePolo Jahnke (ARRL VEC Manager) Bloom (ARRL Info Server) Kohnen (W5YI) Deignan (Buckmaster CD-ROM) Maia (W5YI VEC) Ehrlich (Boston ARC FTP archive) Reeves Harding (Ham Server) Rosenfeld (W5YI) Shirley (ACC Equipment) Salmon (Sunnyvale) Sternitzke (W5YI Asst. VEC) -- 73, Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU (personal mail) (Elmers List administrivia) ------------------------------ Date: 1 Mar 94 13:55:34 GMT From: nprdc!!!!!! Subject: ARLP008 Propagation de KT7H To: SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP008 ARLP008 Propagation de KT7H ZCZC AP22 QST de W1AW Propagation Forecast Bulletin 8 ARLP008 >From Tad Cook, KT7H Seattle, WA February 25, 1994 To all radio amateurs Solar activity was up last week, but so were disturbances. A major solar flare on February 20 blasted the Earth with enough protons to cause a major HF radio blackout on February 22. The delay is because heavier protons travel slowly. The Boulder A index rose to 42 on the 21st and 59 on the 22nd. The worst period was 0600z on February 22 when the K index rose to 8. Each point on the K index scale represents a huge increase in the disturbance. A level of 8 is incredibly bad for HF propagation, especially in the higher latitudes. There may be more bad news ahead. If the solar regions that caused poor conditions four weeks earlier rotate into view again, we could experience more bad conditions around March 5 through 11, with the worst period around March 6 and 7. Solar flux should drop gradually, reaching a low around 90 during that period, and rising above 100 again by the middle of the month. For the long term, expect solar flux to peak slightly over the next couple of months, before continuing the slide toward the probable solar minimum about three years from now. In a year, average flux should be about 15 points lower than now, and 30 points lower in two years. The current best guess is for the next sunspot cycle to peak probably in the Summer of 2000. Sunspot Numbers from February 17 through 23 were 67, 77, 54, 33, 17, 68 and 47, with a mean of 51.9. 10.7 cm flux was 106.4, 106.3, 108, 108, 105, 106.7 and 107, with a mean of 106.8. NNNN /EX -- ================================================ Marc B. Grant Voice Mail: 214-246-1150 Amateur Radio N5MEI ================================================ ------------------------------ Date: 1 Mar 94 13:53:12 GMT From: nprdc!!!!!! Subject: ARLS011 Anniversary for AMSAT To: SB SPACE @ ARL $ARLS011 ARLS011 Anniversary for AMSAT ZCZC AS55 QST de W1AW Space Bulletin 011 ARLS011 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington, CT February 25, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB SPACE ARL ARLS011 ARLS011 Anniversary for AMSAT Anniversary for AMSAT Congratulations to the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), which celebrates its 25th anniversary on March 3. In early January 1969 a small group of interested amateurs began meeting in the Washington, D.C. area, with the idea of forming an East Coast group to carry on the objectives of Project OSCAR (Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio). They decided to form a non-profit corporation to disassociate the group's activities from any of the companies with whom the members were employed, which included IBM, the Applied Physics Lab of The Johns Hopkins University, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Nearly two dozen interested amateurs attended the first general organizational meeting, held on February 6, 1969. Just two months later, on March 3, 1969, AMSAT was incorporated in the District of Columbia. The first public announcements appeared in April QST and in Autocall, a Washington, D.C.-area clubs publication. Among AMSAT's founders (and members of the first board of directors) were George Jacobs, W3ASK; Perry Klein, W3PK; Jan King, W3GEY; and Bill Tynan, W3XO. Today, AMSAT supports both amateur satellites and the SAREX (Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment) program. NNNN /EX -- ================================================ Marc B. Grant Voice Mail: 214-246-1150 Amateur Radio N5MEI ================================================ ------------------------------ Date: 28 Feb 94 12:27:27 GMT From: nprdc!!!!!wupost!!cec3! Subject: Callsign server info To: Browsing through the callsign server, I came across the information blurb about how updated it is. is recent as QRZ!'s CDROM, April 1993. Canadian data is believed to be 1992, no information about club calls. The callsign server at 2000 is recent as of november 93, so a half-a-year more up-to-date. More information is available at either server; just type "info" at the prompt. BTW, the server was ported by N5KNX from KA2NRC's server source to the Pyramid OSx, so that explain's a previous post's revelation that the os's are similar. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 17:12:31 GMT From: hp-cv!hp-pcd!hpcvsnz! Subject: Ramsey DF-1 Kit To: wrote: : Anyone had any experience with this direction finding kit, and if so, what? : Thank you. : Sherwin. I purchassed a DF-1 and one other kit (VHF receiver) at the same time, and found each of them to be the beginning point of a learning experience. So far, neither of them works to any useful extent. I fixed one design problem with the VHF receiver, but it still won't stay tuned. I found one potential problem with the DF-1 design, but haven't taken the time to persue it further. Suggestion: Read last month's QST and get yourself a mailing tube and some aluminum foil. Cheaper and works better. Rich =========================================================================== Rich Wilson Internet: richw@lsid.HP.COM Hewlett Packard Company Packet: N7WWU@N0ARY Lake Stevens Instrument Division Phone: 206-335-2245 This message is umop apisdn. (Thanks, Don) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 16:59:51 GMT From:!!!hp-cv!hp-pcd!hpcvsnz! Subject: Status of Online Repeater Directory Project.... To: What if.... everyone who is contributing to the discussion(??) of the ARRL and the online repeater database spent the time instead putting together an independent set of repeater info for their area? I'd bet that the effort that's been expended on the discussion would have gone a long way toward putting together the independent database. 73, K7ITM ------------------------------ Date: 1 Mar 94 14:27:20 GMT From: nprdc!!agate!!! Subject: Used HF help To: HI, boy thanks to this group I have been having a lot of success obtaining information for an upcoming article. I have decided to ask for some more help: I would like comments/opinions about the following used gear in respect to : known to be good/bad-special known problems special features/like filtering/processing options that are recommended 3rd party availability of options/accesories parts/service availability ** current price range. Rigs: Kenwood: TS520/530, 820/830, 430/440 Icom: 735 Yaesu: 101ZD, 102, 107, 757GX, GXII Ten Tec:Century 22, Argosy (I and II), Delta I, Corsair, Omni? 73 and thanks Jeff, AC4HF ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 02:44:12 GMT From:!!!csn!cherokee!walter!! To: References , , Subject : Re: On-line Repeater Directory In article , Daniel D. Todd wrote: >Karl Beckman (CSLE87) wrote: >: Likewise, but experience tells me that if the phone companies with all >: their legal resources LOST the US District Curt case protecting their >: claimed copyright of the contents of a telephone directory, the League >: stands precious little chance of winning, much less recouping the legal >: costs from the sale of their version of a repeater directory. > >One more time, the league is not saying you can't duplicate the work they >have done in the directory, the facts are the facts. You cannot copy the >data directly off of their publication without permission. FACTS are NOT copyright protected. It is ONLY the overall presentation of those facts that MAY be protected if a creative effort was involved. The "sweat of the brow" effort of compiling data was specifically rejected by the court in the white pages decision. Further, if the presentation of those facts does NOT represent some unique (or otherwise obvious) arrangement, then even the overall presentation is NOT copyright protected. That is what the court said in the white pages decision. Standard Disclaimer- Any opinions, etc. are mine and NOT my employer's. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.) Morristown, NJ email via UUCP bcr!cc!whs70 201-829-2879 Weekdays email via Internet ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 17:06:20 GMT From:!!!convex!!wupost!!! To: References <>, , <> Subject : Re: 40 meter QRP (cw or ssb) Mike Willis ( wrote: : I remember sending the word sesquipedallian recently. Quite appropriate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : if you look it up. difficult not to get lost during the word. : Mike I just looked it up. Only one l(.-..). It *is* appropriate though. 73's de Bob -- ============================================================================= Bob Shilling Berkeley, CA KK6QQ DoD# 1195 ------------------------------ Date: 28 Feb 94 23:00:27 GMT From: nprdc!!agate!!pipex!sunic!psinntp!psinntp!! To: References , <>, <1994Feb28.192256.25854@Csli.Stanford.EDU> Subject : Re: JARGON Paul Flaherty (paulf@Csli.Stanford.EDU) wrote: : (Tiffany Keller) writes: : > Regarding ham's a good one you might be able to : >'s XYL and it stands for ex young lady....(which I take great : >offense to as a deragatory remark (I am not an "XYL" because I am only 22 : >years old! :-) ) The term is used to refer to one's wife...(because most : >hams are of male gender and all...) I think I might start refering to OMs : >(old men) as XYM and see if they like that...:-) : My wife (N6YBV) was never terribly happy about this one either (especially : since she's *younger* than I am). A little digging through some commercial : CW abbreviation lists led to the the discovery of the abbreviation "YF", : which is what I use (and advocate, if for no other reason than it's shorter). I like it a lot better than XYL, too. I usually use YL to describe my YL, even though she is not a ham (she got really wierd when I had a name badge made up that said N0CALL!) I have tried using the term OL to describe any licensed lady, but I finally figured out that there are some ways YLs *don't* want to be equal to OMs. :-) 73 from ARRL HQ, Ed -- ----- Ed Hare, KA1CV American Radio Relay League ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #240 ****************************** ******************************